If Only I know, If Only…

Ivy Jean Bongcac
2 min readOct 27, 2020

Flustered by the world’s partially

Hoping still to be treated equally

Is it vague, is it childish?

Is it rude, is it selfish?

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

My high school teacher whom I look up to often sing this old song, “make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.” It does sound so promising, doesn’t it? I kept it and lived by that song.

Until the very day, “If only I know, if only…” these were my words of regret.

I have a very good friend since high school. We were inseparable. We were more like real sisters. Sleepovers either at her house or mine. We shared everything, of course, except boyfriend. Although, I do have some other friends but we were closer than anyone else and my other friends envied that. An eleven-year long friendship who could’ve imagine that it will just be put to trash! A single, ungrounded accusation cut it off in just a glimpse. What could be worse than that! “If only I know, if only…” these were my words of regret.

I have another good friend since college. We were inseparable. We were more like real sisters, well technically speaking. We were labeled a ‘good tandem’ because our personality just matches instinctively. We do have silent days because we upset each other in so many ways but when the storm have calmed down, we could treat each other back to normal like nothing has happened. Although, we do have some other friends but we were closer than anyone else. A seven-year long friendship who could’ve imagine that it will just be put to trash! A presumptuous, ungrounded accusation cut it off in just a glimpse. What could be worse than that! “If only I know, if only…” these were my words of regret.

Losing isn’t what I am regretting about, but it was the time and effort I have invested to the wrong people when I could’ve had the chance to meet the right ones. “If only I know, if only…” these were my words of regret.

